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Happy Monday everyone! I didn't have a plan for this blog so here's some random things going on right now.

Things are winding down for my client at Pure Power Studio, you can check out the site here. I love how this is coming along. But just when I think I'll have to go looking for a new gig a returning client comes back around for some new projects, so yay for that. Films by David is a great company in the Houston area in Texas, and I'll be doing social media management and public relations type things for them. in the next week or so.

Still trying to catch up on my reading. But also made some tv time for myself. What I'm watching now: Agent Carter, The 100, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Arrow, the X-Files and I caught the pilot of Lucifer on Hulu. Overall, I think these shows are great at getting people to care so much for these characters. Although I'll never forgive Marvel for messing up the X-Men and Wolverine franchises I'm very pleased with what they're doing with Agent Carter so far. Watching Pretty Little Liars and Supernatural, I have no excuse for, they both break my heart and it's just a sickness I can't shake. Arrow is one of those shows I only started watching because of one actor who isn't a regular anymore (John Barrowman) but now I'm hooked because Felicity Smoak everyone. The X-Files I've been a long time fan and I love what they're doing right now with the new storyline.

Also aiming for my book to be published on the Kindle Store February 1 so keep an eye out for that notification. I only have about 3k words left to write, so I'm hoping to power through that in the next few days.

As I write this it is Friday, posting on Mondays so you have a little bit of an escape while you're at work or on your lunch break. Enjoy where you are, enjoy what is to come, and I'll see you next week with some updates about all the things.


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