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A Designer Explains random books shelf items

Greetings and Happy... Tuesday? This isn't a usual blog day but here are some things I'm interested in. Books I want to share, books we've re-read because we live them. Things I'm listening to and my Instagram obsession.

The first three books on the left of the bottom of my shelves are as follows:

Tom Robbins' Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey and The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice. Everyone should have those books that they keep for sentimental reasons and certain groupings only make sense to certain people.

I don't know why but it came up in conversation I kind of forgot about this little known Quinten Tarantino film called "Death Proof" with Kurt Russell and wow. I need to rewatch that! Rose McGowan has a really gory death scene, the stunt woman from Kill Bill, the lady from Rent, and duh Kurt Russell! If you haven't seen it you really should. If you liked 90s scary movies you'll like this.

Podcasts I'm listening to are the Philip DeFranco Let's Make Mistakes Together and Alice isn't Dead.

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