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Mid Year Reflection or Some Kind of Here

Writer: Laura ResurreccionLaura Resurreccion

I imagine what some kind of here looks like and it's pretty okay. Here is what life is shaping up to be right now: Work. Work, work and more work. It's an amazing feeling to be able to make a living as an artist. I'm really proud of my work, and what I've accomplished over the past seven years. Let's review:

I've been in touch with former clients from the agency days, plus using Upwork, I've expanded my base. It's been a wild ride and I'm so grateful for everyone who has let me help them and be a part of their own journey. Whether working on personal projects or starting up branding for a new business, you are all amazing! It's the best part of my day when I can talk to people who are way smarter than me and I get to bring their ideas to life in different ways.

Back at it again: Gluten-free eating, yoga every day and running at least 2 miles four days a week. It's been slow to start, but deciding to make better decisions every day for the rest of my life is never a downer. Some people say I have better will power but I don't think so, I think I just get those memories of not being able to do certain things or feeling sluggish. For me, it's not about looking good or losing weight (although that is a nice side effect) it's about feeling better and making lifestyle changes forever. It's not a fad or a trend, we all do things for ourselves. Meditation, breakfast in bed, great friends... that's what this is all about.

I never thought I'd ever finish anything, and getting not one but two books in the Kindle store has been really rewarding. It shows potential employers that yes I can finish something. Plus it has helped me improve my writing skills. My writing style isn't perfect, far from it, but we only learn if we finish things. It's only then that we can edit, revise and expand.

This is pretty ridiculous! Across Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram A Designer Explains has about 5,200 accounts following. WOW Huge thank you to everyone who likes cats and coffee and gardening and landscape photography and oh right... Graphic design things! I am very humbled and I never thought anyone would be interested in these things. The blog can be a bit random, but that's just a reflection of who I am and what interests me. Glad you all are loving it too...

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