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Get More Storage

Writer: Laura ResurreccionLaura Resurreccion

If you've been here a while you know I use OneDrive, DropBox and GoogleDrive as my three backup cloud storage places. If you are like me and you've seen the end of the universe, IE you're approaching your max storage limit on any of these platforms, there are things you can do increase your storage. Or a sane person just might cull back and delete old files.

Google offers increases in storage if you are actively participating as a contributor to Google Maps. It's pretty simple, if you have an Android device Google Maps is already probably prompting you to contribute an photo every time you take a photo at a location. Whether it be near an auto service center or a public park, Google relies on real pictures for people to direct tourists and locals in different areas. If you live in a rural area, this is really helpful! I was recently volunteering at a location that was not located on Google Maps, or rather it was but it wasn't correct. It's the little things that can make a big difference.

Over the past few months my photos have received 6,000+ views and counting. That's a lot of views! If you get to the third level, you can actually host events as a Google Guide. This is not something everyone is interested in, but it could be fun to share some local history and meet new people. Other ways to get more storage, honestly just make a new email account. Google will send information to that new gmail address about Google Drive things. You can 'share' files between both accounts to ensure there are backups. Or, as I said before, cull back your archives. Anything 5 years old or older, and the client hasn't contacted you about the project otherwise, just delete. If you really want, send it to yourself as an attachment in an email and then save that email in the client's folder. Fore more information see HERE Earning points is simple, even just reviewing a cafe or answering yes or no questions about handicap access can give you points toward more storage.

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