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A Designer Explains is Back

Welcome back! So the previous blog posts to A Designer Explains are outta here. But don’t be sad, I’ll be bringing new content here every week even if it kills me.

What I’m Doing Right Now:

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Currently I’m working with David Connolly from Films By David on pitching his idea for a documentary series based around the not-for-profit Veteran’s Painting Club. I’m really proud to be a part of this project, I did their logo and website plus all their social media marketing. The idea is to teach oil painting classes to veterans and their families for free. People who suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression as well as physical limitations from their time at war can find it difficult to put into words what they’re going through. So I think it’s a really amazing idea to use oil painting skills as a metaphor for recovery. Which makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Oil painting takes a big investment in time and materials. It’s a forgiving medium, if you mess up that’s ok. Just wipe it away or if it’s already dried, just paint over it. At the end you have a finished product from careful layering and various techniques. It is labor intensive but you can easily do it outside in the fresh air while you’re seated in a lovely setting. It’s a chance to socialize with other vets without any pressure to talk about your past experience, you can just focus on the work that’s happening now.

You can learn more about David and Veteran’s Painting Club HERE

Other things going on, I’ll be a regular contributing writer on the Rissy Roo’s fashion blog. It’s really a fun project. I get to pick my topics and I got to write about Grunge style making a comeback (you know you’re getting old when you were a part of a trend that’s making a comeback AND you never really stopped dressing in that trend either) and the Art Deco trend in this upcoming season for homecoming dresses.

Plus I’m really excited to be doing some logo design work for an insurance company. Mostly I've been doing a lot of writing projects, which I love. But there's something about getting back to basics with a pencil and paper and Adobe Illustrator.

What Happened in the Recent Past:

I had to have minor surgery at the end of May. Which was no big deal but it did set me back with updating things and work. I also had some work done on the house in June, so it was kind of stressful. But all in all these things needed to get done and I’m so happy with how everything worked out.

I've been doing yoga every other day for the past three months and I've been doing the gluten free thing for about the same amount of time. I have zero heartburn now, absolutely none! Oh sriracha sauce how I've missed you! And my range of motion is greatly improved. I still miss running but ouch my knees can't take it any more. I've lost 10 pounds in the past three months, which is a nice side effect to this whole lifestyle change happening here.

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Why Change Now?

Well, I knew I had to change my website to html5 for a long time now. Because yes: flash is cool. But aggravating, especially for tablet and smartphone users. Plus WIX makes it super easy. I know I sing their praises all the time but for real, if WIX was a person we’d be happily married with 4 kids by now and I hate kids.

So there it is, my recap is wrapped. I’ll be coming back here same time next week. Between Monday and Tuesday you can find new content here. Also follow along on tumblr where there is a visual companion to A Designer Explains

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