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Creative Work and Getting It Done

I’ve been getting over a bad cold, finally been able to get some work done today. I’ve landed a new logo project and I’m really having fun with it. But at the same time I still get the jitters when I fire off the email with all the ideas attached. What if they don’t like any of them? Honestly that’s only happened twice and both times I used the wrong letters in the acronym so it was an easy switch. But still, I do get nervous. Right now, the logo I’m doing is for a metalworks shop in New Zealand and it’s to commemorate their 20 year celebration. I love to play with things, and I hope they pick something simple and minimal to fit in with their existing website design. Also ghostwriting for one of my favorite clients at the moment. Just waiting for them to get back to me with some feedback on a change up. NaNoWriMo was pretty productive, I guess. I usually hit a wall at 10k words. But this year I think I planned well enough to finish in at least three weeks. So, yay! Progress. I don’t know about you but I subscribe to a bunch of places that offer freelance work and paid jobs, various sources like competitions and magazines, blog posts etc… I found one that may pan out if you would like the details, find it here. It’s the Ellen Meloy Award and the winner gets the prize at $3,000, so what do you have to lose? I was talking to a friend online who is a student, and it got me thinking about some old marker rendering work. I went looking through my old portfolios and found some neat things I forgot about. There are some nice letters of recommendation I never used, some illustration work I never really used in terms of showcases or anything. But it’s strange to think that we spent a lot of time working on projects we’ll rarely recall. It’s the accumulation of all these experiences that give us value in terms of sharpening our skills. I do remember some old pastel work I misplaced or threw away. That’s the thing with being an artist, it’s hard to find storage, it’s hard to maintain the work as well. I’ve found myself painting over things because I didn’t have the budget to buy new materials. And I’m pretty sure I used black matte board over and over again depending on the project. For the most part, if a client sets a long end date, or no deadline at all, I’ll set milestones for myself to get things done. I should really take my own advice and set short term goals for personal work as well. I suggest you do the same if you’re like me and you’re struggling with getting things completed.

As an aside, tees and postcards are for sale on the homepage. You should give the gift of art this year, it's really cool to get one of a kind pieces for the holiday season. Plus, the tee at is LIMITED TIME ONLY! Huge thank you in advnce your your support. Oh, and UPDATE I got the plumber over here. All is well. Merry Christmas to me there's running water in the house again! Enjoy a smattering of random photos from the past week.

O! FYI I found this autographed playbill from 2000 and for the life of me I could not figure out who signed it "Dyke" until I recently figured out it must have been Lea DeLaria. She was an amazing Eddie! I swear FML I'm such a dummy.

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