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Books Reviews

Hello and Happy Monday! Today I'll be talking about the books I'm reading right now and the bitter cold here in Upstate New York.Right now work and writing are so busy. I honestly love being a busy bee and it pains me that I can't do all the things all at once. But as I sit here at my desk I'm going to set up some backup things just in case I can't keep up with you all here. The first book on my desk is The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice. It came out a long time ago, I'm thinking the late 80s perhaps, and it is honestly the dirtiest thing I've ever read! I'd like to think I've been desensitized at this point to being shocked by violence or sex things. But I do copy edit and ghostwrite some erotica, and at my leisure, I do read a lot of smutty fanfiction. But this is far and beyond any of those things! I am a big fan of Once Upon a Time, so bringing in that fairy tale universe into a real and gritty scenario is definitely my cup of tea. The next book I actually got a random person to suggest it to me. It's Attrition of the Gods by PG Burns and it is a very detailed account of what our world might look like in a thousand years. Maybe even in 500 or even just 40 years in the future. It takes into account a lot of topical subjects we are hearing about today in current events. Burns takes some theological arguments and uses them as the basis to shape this world, creating a class system based on race and belief. It also shows some futuristic tech that is not far off from what we are looking at in the near future, so you don't have to suspend your disbelief so much to get immersed in this environment. I also like the fact that Burns set up the story from the very beginning, about 20 pages in you're all set up as far as the goals of the characters and who they are. The final book I'm reading is the Welcome to Night Vale novel. It is a must read if you are a fan of the podcast or the youtube channel. It doesn't go into great detail about Cecil and Carlos but it offers up a picture of how everyday characters move through Night Vale. I think it is really valuable in completing the picture for long-term fans, and even fans new to the podcast. I'm also aiming for the beginning of February for the ebook A Designer Explains to hit the Kindle, so keep an eye out for that announcement.Leave me a comment what you're reading right now too! And add to my never ending reading list. Have a great week everyone and I'll see you next time.


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