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Why am I STILL Having These Nightmares and Proof that Meditation is Working I Guess

Laura Resurreccion, not a doctor

My very strange nightmares of working in retail returned a few days ago. I woke up at around 4 am and then went back to sleep until around 7 am. During that three hour span I remember having that dream of working behind a customer service desk, but the tightness in my chest wasn’t there. I was watching myself very cool and calmly work through a variety of difficult customers and con artists.

I haven’t yet experienced this version of this recurring dream. I have to say it was refreshing, but still a bit weird and left me just slightly off balance that morning. What does that mean? Well I have been posting via social media that I am trying a free trial of a meditation app called Headspace. I have found it hard to start but I did have some practice in breathing control through yoga. It has been a few weeks now and although I did not continue with a plan after the trial ended, I did find similar videos for free via Youtube that have helped me keep up the practice.

Things I’ve Noticed

I do find myself doing about ten minutes of meditation every day. If I don’t I end up with a headache before bed. This could be attributed to a number of things, looking at a screen most of the day is a big part of my job. But other factors like my stressed relationships and scheduling also play a part I’m certain. Instead of taking an Aleve for my pain and headaches I’ve replaced the pill with meditation and yoga. Nothing too physical but I do different routines that do break a sweat via Yoga with Adriene on Youtube. But meditation is helping me focus more and doing that whole ‘workout for the brain’ that they talk about.

Yes I do have problems managing my physical pain still but I find myself more motivated to push through that in order to get things done in the day. I am trying not to think too hard about what others think about me anymore. If I have to lie down at 4 in the afternoon, I’m going to lie down. If I need quiet time, I’m leaving to go find someplace quiet. I am not obligated to be someone’s friend or entertainment simply because they are there in my space. That is something I have to keep reminding myself.

I can not control certain events around me but I can control my reaction to them. I made note of similar things in my first book in the A Designer Explains series on Kindle. If you haven’t read it yet, you really should. Not only does it cover information about starting small with your business or personal goals but how to calm your heart and find out what is important to you.

I just want to take this as an opportunity to thank you for reading along on the ride so far. Come back next Monday I’ll have something special for you all!

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