Hello my name is Laura and I am addicted to fan fiction.
I honestly haven’t bought any ‘new’ books in a long time. I actually bought Prince Lestat by Anne Rice and four of the Game of Thrones books in October of last year. Still haven’t cracked the spines on any of them. I am usually glued to my Kindle Fire if I don’t have to do work things. But I even find myself working on the Kindle too.
I am also addicted to the Amazon Kindle Library
I actually bought the Kindle version of Prince Lestat in addition to buying the physical book almost a year ago. I am notorious for reading multiple works at once. I’m only one chapter into Prince Lestat, but I’m also reading this book by Juliet Blackwell titled Tarnished and Torn. I’m four chapters in and I’m hooked. Now I have to go back and read the other books in the series.
Lestat de Lioncourt holds a special place in my literary history. Interview with the Vampire I think was the first book I read for pleasure. I think I was twelve and it really changed my perspective on life. Up until that point, I had been bullied pretty hard through out all my school years. But we didn’t really call it bullying. It was just called life. Louis was a character that really spoke to me. Exploring the meaning of life when life could not, would not end, was an intriguing subject. I even ripped off the premise and wrote my own modern day adaptation that was stolen from under my seat during class.
I was lucky enough to get two books signed in 1998 by the queen of everything, Anne Rice herself. I lived in Huntington NY where this amazing place called Book Review hosted a number of famous author signings. I also got to meet Neil Gaiman in 2001, truly amazing the both of them.
But anyway, Lestat is everything we all want to be. A royal, a hero, a villain, confident, stylish, beautiful and a never ending line of gorgeous lovers. I mean, besides all the murder, who wouldn’t want to be Lestat in real life?
Tarnished and Torn is pretty much everything I love in a book. A murder mystery, witchcraft, set in a real life city I love, there’s nothing I don’t like about this book. And there’s a pig as the main character’s familiar instead of a traditional black cat.
All the Destiel Feels
In addition to these two books, of course I am reading a phenomenal fan fic. I bookmarked this fic but alas it was taken down by the author! But it’s good news for her, because she took all her work down since she’s in talks with real world publishers. So yay for her!
Carry On by TamrynEradani is the quintessential destiel fan fiction. It’s got sub!dean and dom! cas and mechanic!dean and professional!cas and teen!sam plus John Winchester’s A+ parenting what more could any of us destiel shippers ask for? Nothing, that’s what. I’m re-reading it like the classic it is, and I’m ten chapters in. I am so grateful for the internet because even though it was deleted off of AO3 I found a pdf version. All together I think it’s around 150,000 words. I honestly read it the first time in one day. It’s that good.
Also this fic is really amazing, just in terms of research about sub/ dom dynamics. Way more researched than 50 Shares of whatever... I had to read it for a job and I only got 30 pages in before I just couldn't anymore.
So there’s my reading addiction. If you’d like to learn more about the books I mentioned just go to Google!