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Lost in the Market

Writer's picture: Laura ResurreccionLaura Resurreccion

My friends and I have been doing this thing called a Word Salad for a few years now. A Word Salad is a random mess of words and we somehow have to make a poem or story from them. this week was a fun prompt: Write a story in a grocery store.

The bird in the produce section was an escape artist. It would fly in the exposed beams of the supermarket. The one-story building was a large warehouse. The staff couldn’t catch this bird despite its damaged wing.

It liked to nest in the flowers. The bouquets were lovely to the bird. After hours, the power went out at night. The bird broke glow sticks. It would take drinks from the decorative fountain for sale.

There was a broken window, but life outside at any age was in judgment. The bird, seeing all it surveyed, found justice in the market. There were far-off voices to keep the bird occupied during the day. Stars twinkled artificially in the seasonal department. Life inside the market was a secret gift. Travel was overrated. The bird thought this as calm settled into its bones.



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