Creating my best work possible is the goal, always. When I new client comes to me, or a returning client, I always find that the best way to produce great work is to get as much information as possible upfront. It depends on the job but my ideal work process involves a lot of input from the client. Some of my favorite projects are featured on the portfolio page, but for the most part I’m more focused on my personal projects as of late. The kindle book, A Designer Explains, is in the works. I have culled my greatest hits from my article writing and blog writing so you all can have the very best advice on freelancing and designing in one place. It's also about my personal story and how I got here. I don't have life figured out. But there are some stress management things I'd like to share with you in this book as well. Not jst about design or the workplace but building a career that lines up with your long term life goals as well. I want to offer a free download here for students so be on the lookout for that. I also have a plan to finish my novel, Wolf Run Lake, by March. Take a moment to breath and enjoy the moment. Even small things in the day can make a big impact on your well being. I have some smart practices that I do everyday. I have been doing yoga for about 15 years now but only as the warm up for my run. I was an avid runner but my surgery in May 2015 set me back some. I now practice yoga as my primary method of exercise, but I also do leg and butt workouts as well. I mostly follow along on YouTube tutorials, but there are some great instructors in my area in the neighboring city of Corning NY. I’m in a pretty rural area, which I totally love, it’s just hard to find activities sometimes. Especially during the winter months, this area is most active in the summer at the height of the tourist season. A few of my friends come and ask me about things they can do to help with headaches, back pain and stomach problems but unfortunately I don't have any quick fixes. I've spent the past ten years trying to figure out what works for me and it has not been easy! Lifestyle changes won't happen overnight. But doing one thing every week or every month just to see how you feel is better than trying to committ to a full blown plan right away. You are setting yourself up to fail if you think starting off your new diet with a juice cleanse will work for you long term. I've done different cleanse diets before and I always end up eating way too much on cheat days. The thing with joint pain, allergies, headache pain, even mentrual cramps is inflammation. Over the past decade I've slowly phased out things in my diet: no soda, no sugar, no wheat and no alcohol. Yes I know, I sound like a real bummer. But for a long time, from the end of high school up until about six years ago I would have terrible heartburn, so bad it would keep me up at night and make me throw up a little in the sink in the morning. Once I started eating a gluten free diet I noticed right away that my heartburn was gone. For years I avoided the things I loved: coffee and spicy foods. Now I can indulge without tummy troubles. A combo of things seem to be helping with my joint pain: a little recap, seven years ago my general doc thought I'd be a good candidate for carpel tunnel surgery. But before that was set to happen, I had nerve conduction testing done to determine the cause of my over all pain. It's arthritis! At the time I wasn't even 30 yet, but being an artist and working a cash register and computer for as long as I had at that point it fit in with my wide spread pain instead of me just complaining about my hands hurting. I also had the worst period pain. It is so important to address your own personal health before you committ to other things in life, whether that be a new relationship or a new client project. Listen to your body, and before you start changing around your routine always talk to your doctor first! I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to do things for your self. Showing up is half the battle. You can't have quiet moments or improve on your base without showing up for your own self. Be sure to subscribe to the youtube companion videos for A Designer Explains for additional tips of the trade and a little peek at my life in the boondocks. Have a great week everyone and I’ll see you next Monday!