This is my true account of experiences

Touchy Subjects
The following are real experiences and it may not be for everyone. There should also be taken into account trigger warnings for confrontations with police and rape.
The Truth
Times cops did nothing or worse:
When I called the police when Dad was raping mom.
There was a time when I was very young, maybe five or six and I called 911 when I heard my mom struggling behind the bedroom door. I knew she was in trouble because I usually slept in her room and Dad slept on the couch.
That was my normal, falling asleep to a small tv with mom by my side, sometimes rubbing my belly because of my indigestion but now I realize it was a psychosomatic illness that I still carry that affects my GI tract. FYI I recently just I had my second colonoscopy and endoscopy before the age of forty, and my dad would come home in the mornings after working overnights and crash on the couch.
This night was different and I knew it. When the police finally showed up I was too scared to speak and cried the whole time. they separated us all and I couldn’t get a word out. I was too little to get a grip on my emotions.
My Dad recounts the night often and differently of course. He got taken in and my grandparents had the Philippine embassy call the precinct to let him out.
I have no memories of what happened after that.
2. When the police stopped me and my friends at the rock at school
When I was in High School in the woods just before the back entrance there was a rock that was approved by the school admins that we paint periodically in school spirit colors and slogans and themes. Teens would hang out there before classes and smoke cigarettes and other things sometimes.
My friends and I were there and one of them was smoking a cigarette and he was 18 years old. A police officer pulled up and asked to see ID from all of us. I pulled mine out first and he saw my name was “Resurreccion” and asked if my father was Victor, I said Yes and He left us alone.
Sometimes I think about that and wonder what it would have been like and then I remember I don’t have to.
3. When police stopped me and my friends in East Northport
I was a teenager, maybe 15, with my first serious boyfriend and my first real circle of friends, in a fun seaside town with a hip downtown area. We were goths and punks and kind of wanna-be hippies or their grandkids maybe.

We all got stopped by a cop and he asked for our IDs and all we had were school IDs except the people who were 16 or 17. I had a school ID that was from another town and the cop had an aha moment, but I was like why? I am entitled to be in your town. What is the problem?
Eventually, my ID was returned, parents were called, but my mom explained that there was no way to go get me and the plan was a sleepover so the cop had no recourse.
He was miffed.
4. When my bf was drunk and I couldn’t get home and they wouldn’t enforce the taxi cab pickup after midnight rule.
On Long Island in 2000, cab companies were running free cab rides after midnight for emergencies for the millennium. I found myself in the middle of the woods on a property that was my boyfriend’s best friend’s house and they all got pretty wasted, and I was deserted. The cab company didn’t deem my situation as a minor stranded with drunks an emergency.
Someone suggested that we call the police to enforce the cab company promotion but to no avail. I hitchhiked with my boyfriend home that night. An older man in an older model val and us up and dropped us off at the end of my street.
5. When someone broke into my mom's house and the cops did nothing
When I was living in Bath On a Sunday I was doing laundry and getting the sheets from my mother’s room. From this vantage point, I could see a young man in a bright construction orange sweatshirt and a pull-string backpack walk up to my gate and ring the bell but I didn’t get to the door in time.

I started laundry and watched TV and thought someone was knocking at the back door. but it was like someone was banging. I went to the back door and found the window where the laundry room is, the screen was out and one of the lawn chairs was under the window with muddy footprints on the seat.
I called the police and they picked him up quickly, but because I didn’t see him break in I couldn’t press charges, so he was let go to break into my neighbor’s house the next day. She was home so she could make a positive ID and have him apprehended finally.
Closing Thoughts
Are ACAB? Probably not, but more often than not. But I've never had a positive experience with law enforcement.